What is Boron anyway? Sounds like something from another planet, or from a Space TV Show.
Boron is a trace mineral and micronutrient, and a co-factor to magnesium. What does this co-factor do? It helps magnesium stay in the cells. Magnesium helps the body perform hundreds of actions and helps us have energy. No magnesium, no energy. Boron also helps with metabolizing Vitamin D.
What else can Boron do? If you have any disease starting with “osteo” or have ever been told you’re anemic, you need Boron! Boron helps transfer minerals such as calcium, away from the tissues where it doesn’t belong, back into the bones where it does belong. I believe Boron to be helpful to those with Hyperparathyroidism as it helps with calcium regulation. Boron helps wound healing which can be life-saving for diabetics and other diseases that may have sores or open wounds. Boron is a Godsend to help the body get rid of Candida Albicans, a common cause of yeast infections of the skin, vaginal infections, athlete’s foot, you name it.
Boron is a critical part of the Dr. Morley Robbins’ Magnesium Protocol (now referred to as the “Root Protocol”) as it helps rid the body of excess unbound or toxic iron, helps balance the sex hormones, and helps raise a protein called Ceruloplasmin. Now I’ll admit I’d never even heard of Ceruloplasmin until less than a year ago. What the Ceruloplasmin does is help the body regulate copper and iron, and rid the body of unbound or toxic iron and copper. I am not an expert on this protocol, more of a student. I want to gradually introduce everyone to some of the concepts of the protocol in an effort to help many with chronic illness. I invite you to visit http://gotmag.org/ and join the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/MagnesiumAdvocacy/
Ways to take Boron
You can use a supplement, or make a solution from 20-Mule Team Borax. Yes, the laundry enhancer. And by the way, use it for your laundry too in order to break the cycle of fungus and yeast. That means all sheets, towels, bath mats, socks, everything.
Start at about 1mg and work your way up as needed. Boron can have a detox effect, particularly if you suffer from yeast. You can ingest a diluted amount, OR use it in a bath along with Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts) or Magnesium Chloride flakes.
Also, you may want to not do the baths or ingest in the evening because Boron can have a stimulating effect.

How to make Boron solution.

How to make magnesium bath and foot soak.
Do the above in conjunction with the Adrenal Cocktail:

How to make the Adrenal Cocktail.
Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/