I’ve heard it countless times from friends, family, and co-workers: “You really should see a doctor about those migraines/sleep problems/back problems…”
And just like my mind works, the Janet Jackson song “What have you done for me lately” comes into my head.
So I go to the doctor for migraines and they prescribe a migraine pill. But have they tried to do anything beyond that? Maybe try to figure out why I’m getting migraines?
Same goes for sleep and back problems. If I could only count the number of times I’ve been told to take Naproxen or Ibuprofen for my pain! Why did I just take a day off work, and cause my insurance to be billed for an office visit so that the doctor could waste “our” time telling me to take OTC medicines?
Or how about when we get something like a yeast infection? Instead of wondering why I’ve had an infection continuously for 34 years or so, I’m again told to treat my symptoms with a yeast cream. What’s to prevent my infection from coming back?
And maybe part of the problem with Western Medicine is that we are forced to deal with a Stove Top approach. What do I mean by that? Well, you go to your Dermatologist for say, a skin rash, but do your other doctors know about this treatment? Do your other doctors look at what treatments you are receiving from other doctors to see if maybe the treatment plans are not working well together or have contraindications?
Or how about the doctor that has never heard of your illness or refuses to run tests? Or, worse yet, they don’t acknowledge that your disease exists, such as Fibromyalgia. Sometimes they will even tell you to stay off the internet. I will research any condition that I need to in order to fully understand all implications. Doctors don’t have all the time in the world to answer my questions, and may not have the wealth of knowledge as say, a Facebook group or Forum may have. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others with your particular illness. Sometimes it helps just to know that someone else is out there that knows how we feel.
I look forward to talking more about Root Cause and how we can ALL feel better and improve our quality of life. There is no magic panacea, and no snake oil for sale here. Just hard, honest opinions on treatments and supplements that I’ve tried or have been recommended by trusted professionals.
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